Tuesday, 26 April 2016


Welcome to my blog!

...and thanks for stopping by. I've decided to start a blog about the building and renovation projects my husband and I work on together. There are so many little decisions, emotions and problem solving skills that go into every project, even just a small bathroom renovation, that I thought I would talk about the process we go through with each project:
  • the problems and solutions;
  • all the potential choices and final decisions;
  • the cost saving measures; 
  • the arguments (hey, it's part of the process!)
  • the impact on the family;
  • you get the idea!
I'll start off by posting some pictures and explanations of past projects and then every new project we begin, I'll start posting from the beginning, so you can join us for the ride...and maybe take my side on some the arguments (just kidding :-)